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If you are entering a new ingredient manually, type in the ingredient name.
Active Ingredients:
You may see several similar item names. Active ingredients already exist in your reciProfity data base
1. If you choose an Active ingredient you can add this new product to it.
USDA Ingredients:
Names with an orange USDA icon have USDA nutritional info associated with them.
2. If this new ingredient has no other products associated with it and you choose a USDA name such as we will automatically populate the Nutrient Codes field.
If there is Book of Yields conversion info we will add that to the Conversions section.
In addition the USDA may have its own conversion data, which we will display.
For example, Cheese, cheddar connects to both the USDA and to the Book of Yields.
You'll see the Nutrient code field populated:
As well as the Conversions section:
Why is there no cost for each of these? Because you have not yet added a Product with an As Purchased price. Once you add a price we'll calculated and display the conversion prices.