A transfer is the movement of items (inventory and/or prep recipes) from one cost center (reciProfity unit) to another.
Some operations have a two-step transfer fulfillment process.
Step 1: Request transfer, this is an order request from the receiving unit; no data movement yet, just a transfer that's suspended pending fulfillment.
Step 2: Sending unit fulfills the transfer; this completes the actual movement of goods from the sending unit to the receiving unit.
So instead of saving a transfer, users can suspend the transfer:

You can decide who has rights to suspend a transfer, and who has rights to save a transfer:

Suspended icons are shown on the opening Transfer screen in the status column, and also when editing a suspended transfer:

and also when editing a suspended transfer:

Suspending a transfer is almost exactly the same as saving a transfer; simply click the Save option then Suspend and Close.

To fulfill (or edit) a suspended transfer, select it from the opening Transfers screen:

You can then Save, or edit and continue to suspend. Saving a suspended transfer removes it from suspension, and completes the transaction.
Note: You cannot suspend a transfer that's already been saved.