1. If you purchase the same product from multiple vendors you may have a preferred product/vendor you'd like to use when creating a Shopping Cart.
2. If your vendor allows you to purchase a broken case this icon indicates that you can order a broken case when using the shopping cart.
Vendors often charge extra for broken cases. In order not to allow a user to accidently order a broken case this is set to NO as a default. You CAN change this either item by item, or globally.
Preferred Product:
From the ingredient you can choose that Preferred Product by editing the ingredient and in the Product section scroll to Purchasing and click the gray thumbs up
This will turn the thumb green
Broken Case:
If your vendor allows you to order broken cases you can also click the Broken Case Allowed button. This will allow you to order a broken case on the shopping cart which will translate to a broken case on a PO.
From the Shopping Cart any products that allow Broken Case ordering will allow you to fill in the Pack Size as well as the Case Qty:
You'll now see your choices from the Ingredients page.