You cook a roast which shrinks with cooking. How do you handle the shrinkage?
Cooked meat is different than a vegetable which has a pre-cooked shrinkage. A trimmed vegetable used in a recipe can have the shrink price built in (see Conversions). In the case of a meat ingredient which actually shrinks as you cook it, you'll use the Yield of the cooked recipe to account for the shrink
For example: a recipe uses a 10 lb roast ($1.00/lb), that will cost $10.00. (Not an accurate price but easy to understand for this example!) If you put a shrink in of 25%, then it will cost it out at 10.333 lbs (.75 x 1.333 = 1). But that's not accurate. It’s still a 10 lbs roast that's going into the oven.
This shrink happens AFTER the items is used in the recipe, not before. So it doesn’t really affect the initial cost; it affects the recipe yield.
The yield is entered in a Prep Recipe here. Instead of yielding 10 lb it yields 8.25 lbs.
Make sure you do your own calculation for accuracy!!
You could then use the slices of the roast in a serving recipe. And based on the after cooked yield of the Prep Recipe you will determine how many slices you'll get from that roast.
Use the Conversion section to convert from lbs to slices.