The Scheduler will import Sales Mix data from your FTP site. You'll need to give reciProfity the following information:
Click on Gear/Setup/Options/Sales
1. The host name FTP site and it's Username and Password. Click Test Connection first to confirm that reciProfity can access your FTP site with the correct Username and Password. The Test Connection circle will turn green on success.
2. Filename:
Enter your own static (fixed) file name here. This is your POS sales export file name as it appears in your FTP directory.
Default: If you don’t enter a file name, we will search for a file in this format:
Company Name_unit name_date (format MMDDYY)time (format hh:mm:ss)
Single Unit Example:
Fiesta Café_Fiesta Café_12131911:23:51
Multi Unit Example:
Fiesta Café_Market St._12131911:23:51
Please contact us if your POS system supports alternate naming conventions.