You can import counts from either the Accardis system or using an Excel sheet with a standard reciProfity layout
1. Click on the Gear/Setup/Options/ Counts:
2. First choose Layout to activate the Item ID field. reciProfity will match the imported items by a field called Item ID. Check this box to display the Item ID field for each Product you will import:
2. Then Choose Counts and choose either the Accardis layout or, if you will be creating your own spreadsheet, the reciProfity Standard layout. (The layout can be found below.):
3. Add the Item ID field to each product you will be importing a count for:
4. Layout
This is both the Accardis and the reciProfity standard layout:
The fields need to be in this order. reciProfity reads the Location (Station Name), the Current Inventory, The Current Inventory Date and the Item Number (Item ID):
5. When you are ready to import a count click on the Menu bar and choose Manage Inventory/Counts:
6. From within Counts click on Import:
7. Choose your file to import:
The Counts screen will appear with your data imported.