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There are several reasons your conversion displays the no price alert N/A
1. No As Purchased Price in ingredient:
Make sure there is an As Purchased Price:
2. You do not have a unit of measure that matches how you use it in the recipe.
For example you purchase an item, such as butter, by weight but use it by volume in the recipe:
Use the Book of Yields Conversion or add one manually in the Conversion section. Once you have any weight to volume conversion (here we have cup) you can use and price this ingredient in any volume in a recipe - tsp, tbl, pint, gallon etc. You do NOT have to enter any other conversion.
3. You need to choose the correct prep. Especially for herbs.
a. Here is the Book of Yields Conversion for fresh parsley:
b. Although there are a lot of conversions, the conversion for Tablespoon is associated with parsley that has been chopped.
c. From within the recipe click on the Prep field to display the associated prep and choose chopped:
d. Or you can delete the ingredient and choose chopped as the prep when you choose the ingredient:
4. You are using slices or ounces from a whole sliced loaf of bread
You purchase 15 10.5 oz baguettes, and you want to convert them to slices.
a. To make it easy to understand enter loaves in the unit description field.
b. In the conversion section you can enter it either way (Per 10.5 oz or Per 1 loaf). We understand it either way.